Adding Fireblocks to your company’s token
Before proceeding, be sure to have your Fireblocks account set up before hand. If you have questions directly about Fireblocks, please reach out to Fireblocks at .
To simply add Fireblocks, follow these steps:
Navigate to your Token Cap Table and then select Tokens from the side navigation bar
Select your company’s token to view its details. If you don’t have any tokens, simply add your token.
Under the “Storage” section, click on ‘Add’ and select ‘Fireblocks’ from the drop down menu.
Click on Generate CSR file that is also securely stored on Pulley.
Then click “Download CSR” where you will navigate to Fireblocks account and upload your CSR file.
Within Fireblocks, you’ll need to:
Within Fireblocks, adding an API is the most crucial step in ensuring you have access to your Fireblocks through Pulley.
Create a new “API User”
Enter a name (Recommendation: Pulley API)
*Important* Under role, select “Editor” as this will enable transactions from Pulley
Select ‘Custom CSR’ and upload your CSR file you downloaded from Pulley
Once created, be sure to copy your Fireblocks API from the “ID” column
Paste your Fireblocks API within Pulley
Select your Vault (as you many have multiple)
Congratulations, you have successfully added Fireblocks to your token on Pulley! 🎉
Managing your Fireblocks storage on Pulley
Once added, there are multiple ways to manage your Fireblocks storage on Pulley. From the “Actions” button within the storage section, you can Ping, Test Transaction, Edit Storage, or Remove your storage.
A Ping enables you to check if your Fireblocks is connected and running. Once a Ping is sent, you will see a success message on screen stating “Fireblocks vault is connected”.
Test Transfer
A Test Transfer enables you to send a small amount of your token to a specific wallet address you manually enter. Once you select your desired Portfolio on Pulley you’d like to account for your tokens being transferred, you can initiate the transfer on-chain. Once the transfer is complete, on both Pulley and Fireblocks, you’ll be able to see the token amount and wallet you sent tokens to in this test transfer.
Updating your Fireblocks
Select “Edit Storage” where you can simply change the selection of your vault. However, if you’d like to connect a different Fireblocks account all together, you’ll need to remove your current one.
Removing your Fireblocks
Simply select “Remove Storage” and you will be prompted to Remove this storage. Once completed, this cannot be undone. If you did this by mistake, simply re-add your same Fireblocks account through the “Add” steps above.