There are many functions in Pulley that utilize the FMV on previous 409A Valuations, such as the Form 3921.
For that reason, we recommend recording any previous 409A Valuations in your company page, even if they were not done by Pulley.
To record a past valuation, navigate to Comply and Tax (left navigation) then select 409A Valuations
From there, you will see a button to Record FMV
Then, you can input the valuation's details, and the price for each share class:
Valuation Provider: The company who ran the valuation.
Effective Date: The date the valuation report was certificated.
Expiration Date: A valuation remains valid for up to one year after it's effective date.
Once you've added all the details, click Add 409A report at the bottom, and the valuation will be saved.