Do your stakeholders need to file 83(b) elections after early exercising option grants or after being granted RSAs with unvested shares? Pulley can generate pre-filled 83(b)s for your stakeholders to sign, and then they have to mail it to the IRS. View a preview of the 83(b) here.
Stakeholder view:
After the exercise is completed (payment is processed), the system generates a share-type security for the exercised option grant. Click on the clipboard icon in the top right corner of your screen (next to your name) to accept the shares.
Go back to the portfolio page and click on the share ID to access its page, then click on "Upload 83(b)":
βDownload the pre-filled 83(b) file, fill in the remaining information, sign it, and re-upload it to Pulley:
Follow the instructions in the downloaded PDF file to mail your 83(b) election to the IRS.
Company admin view:
If your stakeholder needs to be reminded to send in their 83(b):
Send them an 83(b) reminder email using the 83(b) tracker.
The stakeholder will receive an email like this:
If your stakeholder never accepted the invite to their security:
You can nonetheless still see if they're missing their 83(b) election by using the tracker. Once the 83(b) election has been uploaded to the security in the dedicated 83(b) Election space, the security will no longer appear on the tracker.