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How do I add a Token Plan?

Explanation of a Token Plan in Pulley and how to add the Token Plan.

Michelle Chu avatar
Written by Michelle Chu
Updated over a week ago

A Token Plan in Pulley refers to the allotted amount the company has allocated for either the company / employees / investors or all of the above. You may enter more than 1 Token Plan if you have specific amounts for different token holders or you may add 1 token plan to cover everyone.

To create an equity plan, on the Navigation Bar under Essentials, select Token Cap Table Token Plans

Then, click the Add Token Plan button at the top of the “Equity Plans” table.

Add the Token plan information.

Scroll down to enter in the Post Termination Exercise details stated in the Equity Plan documentation. It will default to the listed windows as seen in the screenshot below.

Select Save Token Plan.

Equity Plan will be saved to the company and you can now issue Token Options / RTAs / RTUs to employees, advisors and investors.

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