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How do I conduct a repurchase on Pulley?

Learn how to repurchase unvested shares from a terminated stakeholder and exchange payment on Pulley.

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

This article is relevant to you if:

  • A stakeholder was just terminated and you wish to repurchase their unvested shares and exchange payment directly on Pulley.

  • If you've already exchanged payment off the platform, you will want to reflect a past repurchase.

ℹ️ Note: Before you can repurchase unvested shares, you must ensure that the following criteria is met:

Here are the steps to initiate a repurchase of shares on Pulley.

  1. Select the shares that you wish to repurchase and select ActionsRepurchase. Select the box on the left (Repurchase Shares) and hit Continue.

  2. Fill out the form with the required information, then select Next.

3. Review repurchase details → Select Submit.

4. Enter your desired payment details, then proceed to Sign Agreements → Input your e-signature and hit Submit Payment Details.

5. Once you have submitted the repurchase, your stakeholder will be required to link their bank account in order to initiate the payment.

How to receive payment for a repurchase event as a stakeholder.

  1. As the stakeholder, once the company initiates a repurchase of your unvested shares you will be notified via email. Select View Repurchase to continue linking your bank account.

2. You will then be brought to Pulley, once there review the details of the repurchase transaction → Select Next.

3. Finally, add in your payment acceptance method → Accept Terms → Select Add Payment Acceptance Method

4. Simply wait for the payment to come through and the repurchase event is complete.

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