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E-signing on Pulley
E-signing on Pulley
Learn how to issue documents for signing straight on Pulley
By Lam and 4 others
5 authors
12 articles
How to download exercise requests forms
Does Pulley offer version tracking?
Introduction to e-signing on Pulley
What does e-signing look like on Pulley?
What is the difference between the "in-place" and "prepend" templates?
How to E-sign Board Approvals in Pulley
How to format a document into a Pulley template
How do spousal consents work when e-signing in Pulley?
How to issue a SAFE with a pro rata side letter
Issuing other equity and convertibles
What are Form Documents?
How do I edit or update my form documents?
Option Grant Agreements
How do I setup a custom field for Custom Templates?